
Changes to the web site

The links on this page are to other pages within the site that have changed or been added recently. These new or changed pages are accessible by normal navigation through the site but we've added them here as well for emphasis and to allow you more direct access to them.

Use your browser's "Back" button to back out to the main navigation channel. Happy cruising.


Change or addition 


Safety Systems. Added to The Boat. A description of some of Sister's safety systems.


Changes in Latitude. Added to The Itinerary. Shows Lat and Lon of some interesting places.


The Itinerary. Minor changes to the itinerary to better reflect reality.


Added a link to the TOC so you can easily send us email


Added journal reports for folks who don't get them via email.
 1.Oct.1999 Added crew pictures and bios for Jack, Peggy, Camellia, Ryan and Lynn


Added new crew bios and photo galleries for Cuba & The Bahamas, Norway and The Caribbean.  Updated our itineraries

Copyright Ames Lake Systems 2001-2002