Sister's Crew


David in the middle of the Atlantic

Name: Dave Hamilton
Home Port Olympia, Washington
Signed on: 4.November.1999 Las Palmas de la Gran Canaria
Signed off: 1.February.2000 Rodney Bay, St. Lucia


David joined us in Las Palmas some 2 1/2 weeks before departure for the crossing. He has had more experience, particularly racing experience, than most of us, and it showed. A typical scenario when David came on watch was as follows:

Sister would be creeping, sometimes wallowing, along in the consistently light following wind that we were subjected to for nearly the entire crossing. Dave would come on deck and relieve the previous watch. Soon one would hear a winch ticking as Dave tweaked a sheet on the jib. Then you might hear the hydraulic furling grind a bit as he took in or let out a little jib or main. Then a little more winch action and before you knew it Sister had settled into an easy motion typically sailing 1/2 knot, or more, faster than she had been sailing 20 minutes earlier. He has a real feel for the art of sailing and I tried to learn as much as I could from him.

David had the good sense to stay in St. Lucia whilst we returned to the frozen north. He hopes to make some sailing contacts and perhaps do a little local cruising before he returns to work. We were lucky to have him along.


Copyright Ames Lake Systems 2001-2002